Fly CESSNA C-400 CORNELIUS (Yuki Model) Fly CESSNA C-400 CORNELIUS (Yuki Model) Fly CESSNA C-400 CORNELIUS (Yuki Model) Fly CESSNA C-400 CORNELIUS (Yuki Model) Fly CESSNA C-400 CORNELIUS (Yuki Model)


Mand, 45 år, Sydsjælland og øer
Oprettet: 30. apr 2013
Offline - Senest online: 11. dec 2020 Bruger er på filterliste

Botajell skrev: (1 måned siden)
RE: My Traxxas Xmaxx Caught on FIRE!!!!

You should of bought a real GAS 5th Scale Like a LOSI 5T instead of that electric crap! I would had pissed on it so it would of bin a more exciting video!!! Even if it didn't go on fire I would still pissed on it! You could of gotten a DBL XL, anything else instead of that! Even a XXL LST NITRO , A XL Savage NITRO, A MGT8.0 NITRO !!! Anything besides a gay ass electric would be more real and alive with life! Lol! ONLY NITRO AND GAS has a soul to it because it's a real life breathing ,drinking, and farting living RCs! The E WORD RCs HAVE NO SOUL!?
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