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lyn oplader til NiMh {{forumTopicSubject}}
hej jeg har 2x 7,2 volt 4600 mAH batteri. jeg vil godt have en lynoplader og hvor man kan se når den er færdig?? er der nogen der kender såtan en så må i maget garne skrive
mar 2009
Følger: 19 Følgere: 20 RC-enheder: 5 Emner: 24 Svar: 242
(link fjernet)
Den kan lade to batterier samtidigt, den fortæller med lysdioder om den lader eller ej, slår selv fra. Den lader med op til 4A, og kræver en 12V forsyning.
jul 2005
Følgere: 31 RC-enheder: 1 Emner: 179 Svar: 2.630
maj 2008
Følger: 4 Følgere: 3 RC-enheder: 5 Emner: 46 Svar: 127
maj 2008
Følger: 5 Følgere: 4 RC-enheder: 13 Emner: 15 Svar: 77
maj 2008
Følger: 4 Følgere: 3 RC-enheder: 5 Emner: 46 Svar: 127
jul 2005
Følgere: 31 RC-enheder: 1 Emner: 179 Svar: 2.630
Men hvis din forhandler står inde for det, så dækker han selvfølgelig de skader der kan ske
maj 2008
Følger: 4 Følgere: 3 RC-enheder: 5 Emner: 46 Svar: 127
2x 6cell 7,2v NiMh
2x 7cell 8,4v NiMh
2x 8cell 9,6v NiMh
og så er der self. også vist lipo
jul 2005
Følgere: 31 RC-enheder: 1 Emner: 179 Svar: 2.630
Hvis du vil køre med Nimh, så bør du køre med laveste motorstyrke og lav gearing, og samtidig holde øje med temperaturen på batterierne.
Her et svar flere har fået fra Castle
Hi Gents,
Thought I'd pop in here and let everyone know how to care for your MMM combo -- From Castle or from Traxxas (they are identical internally.)
Never exceed 6S voltage using Lipos
For NiMh, be aware that you will very easily damage the cells, so be very gentle with NiMh (they aren't designed to supply the currents that the MMM combo will ask for.)
Never block the cooling vents
Never open the case unless directed to by a CC tech (there is a procedure to prevent damage to the PCB)
Verify that the 6.5mm plugs are secure before each run
Verify that the battery connectors are up to snuff -- NO Tamiya style plugs (they will melt, burn, and mess up your vehicle.)
Make sure the ESC is programmed correctly to handle the type of batteries you are using.
Verify that the cutoff is correct for the type of battery you are using.
Verify gearing is correct (using gearing calculator) before first run
Verify that the gear train is smooth, with no gearing issues, grinding, flat spots on gears, etc.
Verify that there is NO binding in the gearing, wheels, etc.
During first run, make several stops to check motor temperature
Never allow the motor to exceed 170F during runs
Never exceed 6S voltage on the motor
Reverify the setup any time you change battery number or type (some batteries will output a lot more power than others...)
Allow 15-20 minutes for the motor to cool between pack swaps.
Don't allow anything to block airflow to the motor.
Airflow, Airflow Airflow. Did I mention that airflow is good?
It's good to add cooling vents/slots for the motor.
Motor fans are nice too.
Remember - heat kills. There are thousands of watts running through these devices, and if anything is wrong, the heat can build up REALLY FAST and damage components.
So just take good care of your MMM, and your MMM will take good care of you.
President / CEO Castle Creations
maj 2008
Følger: 4 Følgere: 3 RC-enheder: 5 Emner: 46 Svar: 127
2x: (link fjernet)
oplader: (link fjernet)
lyn oplader til NiMh